Ideas On Board Corp. is a
Creative House fueled by technology.
Ideas On Board Corp. is a
Creative House fueled by technology.
Ideas On Board Corp.
is a Creative House
fueled by technology.
CONCRETED delivers original scents through
an unconventional approach to fragrance composition & explores new ways to capture “fragrance” in visual content.
CONCRETED delivers original scents through
an unconventional approach to fragrance composition &
explores new ways to capture “fragrance” in visual content.
CONCRETED delivers original scents through an unconventional approach to fragrance composition & explores new ways to capture “fragrance” in visual content.

We explore video production techniques to improve
brand communication with customers.
We explore video production techniques to improve brand communication with customers.

We experiment with & apply technology to enhance
creative expression for both brands and creators.
We experiment with & apply technology to enhance creative expression for both brands and creators.

(주)아이디어스온보드 Ideas On Board Corp.
Business Registration: 569-81-03354
서울특별시 강남구 논현로 149길 67-7, 명은빌딩 3층 (06039)
Myungeun-bldg. 3F, 67-7, Nonhyeon-ro 149-gil, Gangnam-gu,
Seoul, Republic of Korea
(주)아이디어스온보드 Ideas On Board Corp.
Business Registration: 569-81-03354
서울특별시 강남구 논현로 149길 67-7, 명은빌딩 3층 (06039)
Myungeun-bldg. 3F, 67-7, Nonhyeon-ro 149-gil, Gangnam-gu,
Seoul, Republic of Korea
(주)아이디어스온보드 Ideas On Board Corp.
Business Registration: 569-81-03354
서울특별시 강남구 논현로 149길 67-7, 명은빌딩 3층 (06039)
Myungeun-bldg. 3F, 67-7, Nonhyeon-ro 149-gil, Gangnam-gu,
Seoul, Republic of Korea